1:1 On-line Nutrition consultations

All my appointments and services can be conducted in both Portuguese and English.

3 or 6-Month Program

Embark on our 3/6-month journey program with 6/12 consultations where we'll work hand in hand to achieve your health and wellness goals. With personalized attention to every objective and milestone, I'll guide you towards healing and improvement. Along the way, I'll provide you with invaluable supportive materials to accelerate your progress and ensure lasting success.

Schedule your 3/6-Month Program

One-off Consultation

In a one-off consultation we start with an exploration of your lifestyle, dietary habits, medical background, personal goals and everything relevant to your health. I'll craft personalized materials tailored specifically to you, providing a comprehensive introduction to kick start your path towards better health and nutrition.

Schedule your One-off Consultation

Still have questions?

Schedule a FREE 15-minute call to discover how I can assist you with nutrition.

Schedule FREE appointment